Online PPM Monitor

OIW EX 100 & 1000 ANALYSER

Advanced Sensors Ltd Oil in Water Analyser System (PPM Monitor) known as the OIW-EX100 or OIW-EX 1000. The system is designed to monitor the residual hydrocarbon content of pipelines carrying produced water at oil production facilities and refineries etc. The OIW-EX100 uses laser radiation to energise the contents of the measurement chamber with an incident optical wavelength. A sensitive tuned detector at a different wavelength is then used to measure the stimulated fluorescence value. This fluorescence value is used to determine the proportion of hydrocarbons within the chamber.

  • Maintenance Free (Self Cleaning)
  • Enhanced Range (0 to 20,000 ppm)
  • Total Detection (Full Scan Spectrometer)
  • Exd (Purged Air NOT Required)
  • User Friendly (MS Windows Compatible)
  • Data Logging (10+ Years of Storage)
  • Accurate Measurement (Resilient to Oil Droplet Size)
  • Network Ready (Ethernet and ADSL)
  • Remote Acess (Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics)

online-ppm-monitor-advanced sensorADVANCED SENSORS TECHNICAL PAPERS

  • Overview of the Advanced Sensors OIW unit by Chevron
  • Technical Presentation by Chevron Thailand
  • Joint Technical Paper by Chevron, StatoilHydro, and Talisman
  • OIW Monitoring Experience IQPC
  • Experiences for BRAGE Platform StatoilHydro
  • Technical Presentation- Chevron
  • Technical Paper- Chevron
  • OIW v Lab Correlation Report – Talisman Energy



online-ppm-monitor-data sheet oiw ex1000